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    Last Updated. 17 March, 2005  

 Be Kind To Pets is a community service sponsored by

Dr Kong Sing, BVMS, MRCVS


"Singaporeans don't get infested with roundworms nowadays unless they eat salad," I said to a tall slim owner of a white parrot-mouth mini-Bull Terrier presented for its 3rd vaccination. "Some 60 years ago,  mothers in Singapore forced the pre-teen children to drink a terrible deworming syrup. The next day, long roundworms would be passed out in the stools."

"What has eating salads to do with getting roundworms in people?" the man's forehead skin furrowed and his lips opened wide.  "I am a vegetarian."

"Farmers in countries exporting vegetables to Singapore from may be using human manure as fertilisers." I elaborated.  "The worm eggs in the manure contaminate the fresh vegetables used for salads.  When a person eats these vegetables, the eggs hatch in his intestines.  The baby worms migrate in the blood stream of the gut to the lungs.  As they develop further, they get coughed up and swallowed back to the guts.  There, they mature and produce eggs.  This is how people get roundworms in their intestines.  This cycle is similar in the the puppy." 

Are roundworms that common in puppies in Singapore in 2005?  Yes. Most of the time, puppies are dewormed by the breeder or the pet shop operators and the buyer seldom see the real worms. 

Tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms and heartworms.  Roundworms are most common in puppies but there are also tapeworms, whipworms, hookworms and heartworms affecting puppies.  A new puppy owner has so many questions and it is difficult for the veterinarian to answer all of them during consultation. Some answers are given below.    

Frequently Asked Questions 

1.  A free vaccination voucher is given by some pet shop operators after the sale of a puppy.   It is my responsibility to  ask whether the puppy has been dewormed. 

5% of the owners will say, "No, thanks. Don't see the worms. Maybe, another day".  Or they will reply,  "I have seen another vet when the puppy was sick.  A syringe with  yellow syrup was squirted into the puppy's mouth.  The vet said once is enough."

The vet might be misquoted.  It is true that one dose of a good dewormer medicine will eliminate all worms existing in the gut. However, puppies love to lick its play pen and surrounding areas. They may eat their own stools.  They do get infested again by faeces containing worm eggs.  All owners appreciate deworming advices especially when they see the roundworms a day after deworming.

2.  Deworming liquid sold by the pet shop. Is it OK?  If the medicine is a broad-spectrum dewormer, it is acceptable.  More details of what is a broad-spectrum dewormer is given below. 

3.  Home-breeder's puppies don't have worms.  This is not a guarantee.  There are  home and professional breeders who don't deworm the adult female dogs frequently. 

4.  Puppy eating stools.  Deworm more often.  Every two weeks for four times and then two monthly till the stool eating habit is abolished.

Ascarids vomited out by 5-week-old Siberian Husky 5.  A new pet shop owner rushed in with a plastic bag containing a few roundworms vomited out. "Is it normal for puppies to have worms?"  The answer is No.  Some entrepreneurs start a pet shop business without experience and they learn from on-the-job experience.    

6.  A first-time puppy owner brought a bag of roundworms passed by his 5-week-old Siberian Husky.  "The puppy is bought from a home breeder and yet it has worms." 

Not all breeders deworm their dogs regularly. They may deworm early but the puppies are infested again. One deworming dose is definitely not sufficient in situations where there are numerous dogs and puppies. 

7.  A pet shop operator asked me, "The puppy is active but it has diarrhoea for the past three weeks. The owner keeps phoning me to resolve the problem.  I sent the puppy to a vet to test for parvoviral infection which was negative."  This was a case of a whipworm infestation. It is much harder to diagnose a whipworm infestation as there was not many of them and they take as long as 10 weeks to produce eggs which can be detected by examination of the stools under a microscope.  In this case, only one egg was seen.  More frequent deworming is needed to be effective. 

8.  How do puppies get worms when the mother has been dewormed?
The dam may have worms hidden in its muscles.  These worms are known as "encysted larvae". During pregnancy, the worms develop and travel via the blood stream to infect the puppies.

9.  How early soon puppies be dewormed?
As early as two weeks old.

Good looking 6-week-old Labrador Retrievers. toa payoh vets10.  Are there side effects of deworming?
The puppies given deworming by mouth may stop eating for a day or have diarrhoea for a day or two. 

11.  Heartworm in dogs.  Is it present in Singapore?  Yes.   The baby worms are transmitted by an infected mosquito to a dog. The adult heartworms live inside the heart.  Prevention throughout the year is recommended. It is best that you consult your veterinarian for details of prevention such as monthly tablets or a yearly injection. 

12.  What is a broad spectrum dewormer?   It is effective against the various type of canine worms, said to be 12 types of worms and has the following ingredients: 

*Oxantel - active against the whipworm (Trichuris vulpis).
*Pyrantel - active against the roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxacaris leonia, Ancylostoma canium, Uncinaria stenocephala).
*Praziquantel - active against the tapeworms (Dipylidium canium, Mesocestoides spp, Taenia ovis, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia multiceps, Echinococcus spp).

13. The yellowish broad spectrum deworming tablet or syrup given by the vet for deworming.  Is it effective against heartworms?  No.  It removes the roundworms, whipworms, hookworms and tapeworms.

Worms Affecting People

Hydatidosis is a dangerous tapeworm infestation of people, caused by the Echinococcus spp.  The worms grow inside the liver and other internal organs affecting the functions.  Another infestation is call the larva migrans syndrome  is caused by the roundworm Toxocara canis and affects children, usually less than 6 months old if they swallow the worm eggs. 


Newly arrived Golden Retrievers at pet shop with heavy roundworm infestation. ToaPayohVets"Wash your hands, wash your hands after touching your puppy!" the mother will command. The child will hurriedly look for the tap in my consultation room to wash his or her hands.  Around 1% of the parents visiting my surgery for vaccination give this advice.

Hygiene is important.  Ask your young children to wash their hands before meals and before sleeping.  If you ask them to wash their hands every time the puppy is handled, your child may develop an Obessive Compulsive Behaviour, having to look everywhere for water and soap to wash hands every time they touch a dog or a dog touches them.  Consult your veterinarian to get broad spectrum deworming medicine and deworm regularly if you are more worried about your children getting infested.  

As for the vegetarian who was worried about himself getting roundworms, I could not advise him further as he was not four-legged.  "Are you a real vegetarian?" I imagined this around thirty-year-old gentleman as not having to take medication for high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure so commonly prescribed to older Singaporeans.    

"No, no," he relaxed his facial muscles. "I do drink milk and eat eggs."  Maybe, his chances of getting roundworms would be considerably lower.  His 55-year-old mother reminised, "When I was a child, my mother gave me a tablet to swallow. The next day, I screamed and screamed.  Mum had to pullVery large Shih Tzu pups at 65th day. Dystocia. Toa Payoh Vets out a round worm as long as 20 cm long stuck in my anus!"

After this episode, I stopped talking about roundworms in people.  The internet generation does not encounter roundworms personally and their doctors don't prescribe worm medication.

The roundworm infestation in puppies in Singapore is the most common type of worm seen by the puppy owner, pet shop operator or breeder.  The other worms may not be seen but they do cause blood in the stools or diarrhoea.

I recommend the following schedule
Deworm the puppies with broad spectrum dewormer as early as two weeks old. Deworm every two weeks for four times. Then 2-monthly till they are one year old. More deworming for those still eating their own stools even though they are past 6 months old.  Practise good hygiene too but you don't need to wash your hands every time you touch your own puppy after it has been dewormed a few times.     

Toa Payoh Vets
Copyright © Asiahomes Internet. All rights reserved. Revised: March 17, 2005