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Date:   02 May, 2011  
Focus: Small animals - dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pig & rabbits.

Toa Payoh Vets Clinical Research
Making veterinary surgery alive
to a veterinary student studying in Australia
using real case studies and pictures

Veterinary Surgery:
Neutering A Big Breed

Dr Sing Kong Yuen, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS   02 May, 2011
Toa Payoh Vets
Be Kind To Pets
Veterinary Education
Project 2010-0005
Neutering is such a common surgical procedure in all veterinary practices. I was surprised that the other veterinary clinic did not want to neuter this gentle Golden Retriever as the vet rejected large breeds.

One cause of the other vet's reluctance could be the complications of neutering. One complication would be post-surgical scrotal haematoma due to haemorrhage as the dog licked and traumatised the wound. Over 48 hours, the scrotum became swollen to as big as a tennis ball in big breeds. Such cases are rare but had happened to me too.

What's the prevention advice. Basically, double ligation and sufficient post-operation pain-killers. One such case with no post-op problem is shown here, in 3 images
Dr Sing shares his anaesthetic and surgical approach
to neutering a big canine breed
Neuter, vaccinate, dental scaling, 3 years old, Golden Retriever, toapayohvets, singapore, dog Neuter, vaccinate, dental scaling, 3 years old, Golden Retriever, toapayohvets, singapore, dog Neuter, vaccinate, dental scaling, 3 years old, Golden Retriever, toapayohvets, singapore, dog
Handing-over inspection of the surgical wound with the owner is good practice Pre-operation blood tests is important to screen the health of the dog.

Note the normal values
Anaesthesia and Surgical Procedure. 30 kg dog. Domitor 0.3 ml IV and then isoflurane gas at 2-3 % is sufficient. Xylazine 0.5 ml IM is my alternative sedation.      
   Some owners don't want to pay more, so it is best to inform the owner first and record that the owner does not want the blood test. Double ligate is advised as single ligature may slip due to the dog licking the wound. This results in bleeding and a swollen painful scrotal swelling.
emergency caesarean section maltese toa payoh vets 3 am, Saturday, 2011, singapore
For other small animal cases, goto
Toa Payoh Vets
Be Kind To Pets
Veterinary Education
Project 2010-0005
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Clinical Research
More cases are at: Rabbits & Guinea Pigs

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